Lesson #4

“I’ve learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life.” -Maya Angelou

Does this lesson count if it was a quote from someone else? I’m going to say yes.

At some point during the day yesterday, when I was supposed to be answering emails, I was perusing through Maya Angelou quotes because I needed a little daily inspiration. The first one I saw was this one, and it immediately resonated with me.

These past three years, post-college, have been all about making a living. I graduated with a degree, so I had to find the best job, the best career, the most money, etc. What I didn’t realize was that a side effect of focusing on making a living was forgetting to make a life. Because I was focused on making a living, I forgot to make a life for myself. I certainly tried, don’t get me wrong, but at the end of the day, if I wasn’t happy in my job, I wasn’t happy. Period.

New York City is the complete opposite, and I couldn’t be happier. I know this position is not the most meaningful position out there. I often wonder if I’m truly “making a difference.” But life is more than making a living, it’s making a life. And in New York City, I am doing just that. I started looking into volunteer organizations. I can read in the park, I can go see shows, and I’ve been seeing friends almost every night. There are so many people to meet, and so many friends to reconnect with. Life is in the meaningful connections and friendship, meaningful memories that are formed. And while I like my job, it’s okay, New York City has taught me that in order to be truly happy, the focus needs to be on making a life.

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